
All photos (except the arm scar, 3rd photo) are after 1 treatment only

what is Lumecca?

Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) which is used to target pigmented brown and red spots and treat vascular skin lesions. This breakthrough technology delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range. Complete photo rejuvenation in 1 or 2 treatments for most patients versus 4-6 treatments with standard IPL’s. Lumecca operates using photothermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment. Significantly improves the appearance of age spots, sun damage, vascular lesions, rosacea, and freckles. It is optimized for clinicians to treat a variety of lesions with fewer sessions.

how does it work?

what can/Can not be treated?

Lumecca is designed to treat vascular lesions including port wine stains, facial, truncal and leg telangiectasias, rosacea, erythema of rosacea, angiomas and spider angiomas, poikilodenna of Civatte, superficial leg veins and venous malformations. Simplified, we can treat red and purple viens. Not blue or green. Facial veins as opposed to leg veins. The power of Lumecca may also be used and is highly effective in the treatment of benign pigmented epidermal lesions, including dyschromia, hyperpigmentation, and ephelides (freckles). Any skin with a fresh tan or has used self tanner or spray tan many not be treated.


Avoid any type of tanning 3-4 weeks prior treatment and use at least 30 SPF sunblock if skin is exposed to sun. Avoid irritant topical agents for 2-3 days before treatment. Avoid anticoagulants for 7-10 days prior to treatment, if medically permitted. Please arrive with very clean skin. No makeup, sunblock or moisturizer. Upon arrival you will first fill out an intake form. Next, we will discuss your problem areas and desired results versus expected results. You will have photographs taken (for office use only unless consent is given for additional mediums) so that skin can be compared over multiple sessions to assess effectiveness of treatment.


Sun block should be used for 3 weeks following each treatment session. We encourage you to implement sunblock in your everyday sink care regime. It will prevent aging and slow down the return of the areas you just treated. Moisturizer may be applied after each treatment. Make-up may be applied immediately after the treatment. The skin will continue to look younger and more brilliant over time with most visible results after 1-2 weeks.


Prices are listed at top of page. The more sessions that are purchased in a package, the more you save per session. One treatment zone is the size of 2 adult hands. For instance your face will be one treatment zone. Your neck would be a second zone. If packages are purchased, you may use multiple sessions from package in one appointment. If entire purchased package is not needed to obtain maximum results, those sessions will be banked for maintenance appointments. No refunds will be made. The number of treatments is typically varied from 2-5 sessions every 3-4 weeks. Pigmented lesions usually require less sessions than vascular lesions.

ipl photo rejuvenation

$275 per facial treatment

Package of 3: $750 

1 Hand: $75

Spot Treatment: $50